What is that thing, anyway?
So, the firefox logo makes sense.
A fox, with a firey look. Cool logo.
But what’s that thing behind the fox? Well, with the Deer Park logo, we get a better look.
But if you look closely, you see that the shapes on the FF globe don’t match those on the DP globe. And they don’t look like the continents I know. Maybe it’s just an ordinary circle with abstract shapes? But it’s shaded like a globe. Is it one of those funky extrasolar planets? (They’re planning a Galaxy Wide Web!)
I think I preferred the fox. I also liked the old Red Star mozilla logo, not so much the dino head or the big “m”. And don’t get me started on the ship steering wheel or the big “N”. Even the old NCSA Mosaic logo was better than those.
Why does every iteration of the product need a new logo? Doesn’t seem like the best way to build brand awareness. Compare: