

Floating point exception after upgrading libgcc1 (PCLinuxOS) (fix)

Filed under: linux — jlm @ 22:34

I was just upgrading my packages, like I do every so often. This time ’round the package update list was:
bash bluez-utils dkms-ndiswrapper e2fsprogs grub grub-doc libgcc1 losetup
ndiswrapper pclinuxos-release update-notifier

Went ahead, it installed cleanly, but afterwards I was getting floating point exceptions from some programs. ldd shows libgcc_s as a likely culprit, what with the just-done upgrade including
libgcc1-4.4.1-1pclos2010.i586 ############################## [100%]

Play around with apt-get, to see if I can get an older version from apt — uh oh, apt-get says floating point exception when invoked. Grab a Mandriva RPM from the net, give it to rpm — rpm dies with floating point exception. No problem, I’ll install the files by hand, just extract them with rpm2cpio — which hits a floating point exception.

Finally, I wise up, scp libgcc1_s.so.1 from a Debian system.
cd /lib
sudo mkdir brokengcc1
sudo mv libgcc_s* brokengcc1
sudo cp /tmp/libgcc_s.so.1 .
sudo chmod 0755 libgcc_s.so.1

And everything is working again, at least enough to tide me over until PCLinuxOS fixes the libgcc1 package. If anyone else is stuck by this, the libgcc I used is here.


  1. I too have the floating point exception. I understand the commands, but how are you getting the libgcc_s.so.1 debian file to your computer. On reboot i only get the command line prompt. If I try to start any programs or anything else, I get the floating exception.
    Thx, Gene

    Comment by gene — 25-Feb-2010 @ 18:21

  2. I used scp, but I think I you can just use wget. As in, cd /tmp; wget http://mandelson.org/libgcc_s.so.1

    Then you can follow the directions in my post. After you complete the upgrade into a consistent and working state, you can replace the Debian library with the system one — you should just need the Debian library to get apt/rpm/synaptic working again enough to complete the upgrade.

    Comment by jlm — 25-Feb-2010 @ 18:30

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